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Donate Digitally: The Salvation Army puts twist on regular Red Kettle Campaign

Smart-Chips and QR codes have now been attached to all Red Kettles so that you can donate digitally this year.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Every year we see them out raising money for a cause: the Salvation Army's Red Kettle campaign takes to the street for their charitable work. Major Russell Czajkowski joins us to break down what you can do to help.

Although the campaign is going slower than most years, a new twist might help. Smart-Chips and QR codes have now been attached to all Red Kettles so that you can donate digitally.

Like always funds raised are automatically returned to the zip code they were donated in so you can know exactly where your charity will help.

If you're looking to give your time and volunteer as a Bell Ringer, you can sign up at registertoring.com. The Salvation Army asks that bell ringers under 16 be accompanied by a parent or guardian for their safety.

So pitch in with some of your time or money and give back during these happy holidays!

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