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The Big Story: Laura Cruickshank

This week's Big Story is all about Laura Cruickshank and Alexis Smith

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The Big Brothers Big Sisters Mentor Program helps to connect young students with positive role models. It's a community effort to help kids realize their potential and build their futures.

This week we spoke with Laura Cruickshank and her 'Little', Alexis Smith.

Laura is a first time mentor, and so far she's only gotten to meet with Alexis six times. But their bond is already unbreakable. 

The two of them have already made memories from going to the movies, sharing dreams for the future, and chowing down on Alexis's favorite food: noodles!

Laura volunteered to become a mentor after her husband passed away in 2019. To Laura, the program is the best thing that's happened to her. As she puts it, love has filled the void in her heart.

If you're interested in the program, here's how you can apply:

  • Visit www.bigmentor.org, and click 'Become A Big'
  • Complete an application
  • Sign up for an orientation
  • Sign up for training

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