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Breakthrough cases a concern as COVID-19 surges ahead of holidays

A breakthrough case is when someone contracts COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The spread of COVID-19's omicron variant was the focus of Wednesday's briefing at Corpus Christi's City Hall as health leaders gathered to provide updates on the virus.

Luis Wilmot, Assistant Director of Public Health, said a surge in breakthrough cases is raising red flags.

"Knowing what we know about omicron and its ability to escape immunity, we're going to convert this in a graph so you guys can start seeing, the vaccine breakthroughs increasing regardless," Wilmot said. "The vaccine is still effective to keep people out of the hospital."

RELATED: Omicron dominant strain in U.S. but there are still no official cases in Nueces County

A breakthrough case is when someone contracts COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated.

Wilmot said so far more than 1,800 vaccine breakthrough cases have been confirmed in Nueces County. More than 190,000 people in Nueces County have received both vaccine doses.

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