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City of Corpus Christi releases new mosquito spraying schedule

Some preventative measures against mosquitos include using insect repellent, wearing long sleeves and pants when outdoors and regularly draining standing water.
Credit: KIII TV

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Mosquitos are starting to make their rounds in the Coastal Bend as a result of recent rainfall. 

Due to the increase of the swarming blood suckers, Corpus Christi Animal Care Services and Vector Control have released an updated spraying schedule. 

  • Monday, September 19, Routes 4, 5, 6 - Northwest
  • Tuesday, September 20, Routes 27, 28, 29 - Flour Bluff
  • Wednesday, September 21, Routes 1, 2, 3, - Calallen
  • Thursday, September 22, Routes 20, 21, 22 - Southside
  • Friday, September 23, Routes 23, 25, 26, - Southside

In addition to the recent rainfall, the spraying schedule comes as a mosquito in Kingsville, Texas tested positive for the West Nile Virus. The mosquito was trapped back on Sept. 13 on the 1800 block of N. Armstrong Street.

RELATED: West Nile Virus found in mosquito trapped in Kingsville

Vector Control encourages the public to take necessary precautions in guarding against mosquitos. Some preventative measures include using insect repellent, wearing long sleeves and pants when outdoors and regularly draining standing water.

Residents are encouraged to visit their physician if they feel sick after being bitten. 

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