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Corpus Christi City leaders discuss operations for winter warming centers

Mayor Paulette Guajardo arrived at the Frost Bank building Thursday afternoon to meet with 3News in the emergency operations center.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Mayor Paulette Guajardo and other leaders said the city is ready to deal with the winter weather.  

They're urging those who need to get out of the cold during the day to head to warming centers like the one at the central library.

Guajardo arrived at the Frost Bank building Thursday afternoon to meet with 3News in the emergency operations center. It was also an opportunity for her to meet up with Corpus Christi Fire Chief Robert Rocha and the City Emergency Management Coordinator Billy Delgado about the plan of action.

"We always want to prevent anything that could go wrong," Guajardo said. "So this helps to serve that manner and we're ready to serve all of our residents should anything come about."

Delgado told 3News that the city will be working with outside agencies as well as the County to make sure they're ready to respond to any emergency situation during the winter storm.

"We don't know the severity yet," Delgado said. "You know every storm is different so we are prepared. We are prepared for the worst we've been meeting for the last two days."

Rocha said his department is not leaving anything to chance. He's Putting manpower and resources into place around the city to be able to respond even more quickly than normal.

"Not only are we going to be participating in the emergency operations center but the fire department will have its department operation center open. We've got staffing, a firetruck and an ambulance on North Beach to make sure that we cover that area," Rocha said. "To make sure we cover that area we're going to up staff on the island to make sure we have sufficient personnel, but the fire department is very well situated."

Guajardo also decided to check out the central library which is one of the daytime warming centers the city is encouraging people to go to if they need to get warm.

"We just want to make different places available," Guajardo said. "We want to make sure people who don't have the heat resources at home are able to get them somewhere."

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