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Driver crashes into trees after suffering medical emergency, nearly crashes into home

The incident happened on Friday around 11 a.m. near Del Mar Boulevard and South Alameda Street.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Intense moments in one Corpus Christi neighborhood could have ended a lot worse after a car almost crashed through a home. 

The incident happened around 11 a.m. near Del Mar Boulevard and South Alameda Street. Authorities believe it could have been related to a medical emergency.

According to the Corpus Christi Police Department, the vehicle left the roadway from Alameda crossing onto Del Mar. They say the second tree the vehicle hit is what stopped it from running into the house. 

3News spoke with one resident whose fence was damaged. She shared she wasn't home at the time, pulling up to her house to see all the police. 

"I have damage here," said homeowner Josephine Herro. "It took out my fence, went across and took out the olive tree and then went across to my neighbors yard." 

Lt. Edward Longoria with CCPD said nature played a key role in preventing the vehicle from causing anymore damage.

"Big heavy truck, the tree brought it to a stop, so thank God it didn't injure anyone else," Longoria said. 

According to CCPD, the driver was supposedly in their 50's and was taken to the hospital for serious injuries. No one else was harmed in the incident.

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