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First responders sent to rescue worker after incident on New Harbor Bridge

Multiple trucks were dispatched to the scene due to the location being at a high angle and the need to follow strict safety protocols.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — If you were driving on the Harbor Bridge Tuesday afternoon, you may have seen emergency crews across the way on top of the New Harbor Bridge, which is still under construction.

According to Corpus Christi Fire Department Chief Robert Rocha, first responders were called to the new bridge after a worker was involved in an accident and required extraction. The CCFD Rescue Squad was dispatched and had to use a bucket to rescue the worker.

Thankfully, the rescue was successful. Rocha said the man's injuries did not appear to be serious, but he was transported to an area hospital.

Rocha said multiple trucks were dispatched to the scene due to the location being at a high angle and the need to follow strict safety protocols.

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