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Licensed official weighs in on mental health options for children, growing adolescents

Licensed counselor Jaqueline Miner said they have seen an increase in anxiety and depression in children throughout the Coastal Bend.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Leading medical groups have now declared a national emergency when it comes to children's and adolescents mental health.

In a joint statement the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and the Children's Hospital Association said the pandemic had worsened an already existing mental health crisis among children and teens.

Licensed counselor Jaqueline Miner said they have seen an increase in  anxiety and depression in children throughout the Coastal Bend.

“When it comes to depression in adolescents it can present itself differently then how it does in adults. Some of the things to look out for would be isolating from others, not wanting to engage with family or friends, irritability, not being able to manage their moods,” Miner said. 

Additionally, Miner said the Nueces Center for Mental Health offers a 24 hour crisis line. The number is 1888-767-4493

Residents are encouraged to call the number If you or someone you know may be having thoughts of harming themselves.

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