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Nueces County asks to push back health district split deadline by six months

The City of Corpus Christi has set Jan. 18, 2022, as the deadline to set up its own health department separate from Nueces County.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Nueces County Judge Barbara Canales is asking the City of Corpus Christi for another half-year delay in dissolving the existing City-County Public Health District.

The dissolution was set to happen on Jan. 18, but the judge told 3News that the County needs more time.

The City of Corpus Christi has set Jan. 18, 2022, as its deadline to set up its own health department separate from the County.

"We need at least six months from Jan. 18, and quite frankly, depending on the outcome of the Omicron variant, it could mean more," Canales said.

Corpus Christi City Manager Peter Zanoni said he’s been having weekly meetings with the Nueces County Health District transition team led by County Attorney Jenny Dorsey. He had not heard about the judge's request for a six-month extension, but he says the City is looking at the situation.

"We’re still working with them on getting a timeline, a better timeline. We have that 90-day withdrawal, and we have talked with the County negotiating team that we know this is going to get phased to the City’s department over time. We don’t have a definitive answer yet but that’s something we’re working toward,” Zanoni said.

The city manager also told 3News that some of the City’s health department plans are going to be in place before that Jan. 18 deadline.

"Some of the operations will transition much sooner, even in January before the 18th," Zanoni said. "And then over time others will come into the City, so it’s hard to say right now. We’re working on kind of an overall calendar that shows that timeline and will work with the County on that.”

Canales still maintains that the County needs six months to put everything together.

"I think if you give us six strong months we can put together a fully equipped transition plan,” Canales said.

Zanoni said that by the end of December, the City will have a better idea whether or not it can accommodate the County’s extension request.

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