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'We need some answers and we need them now': Corpus Christi Mayor demands information regarding Harbor Bridge Project

Corpus Christi Mayor Paulette Guajardo met with Nueces County's Congressional Delegation this Wednesday afternoon to discuss the stoppage of the project.

The future of construction on the Harbor Bridge Project is top of mind not only for state leaders but for City leaders as well. 

Earlier this month, 3NEWS reported how TxDOT halted construction on the project. The halt only impacts construction regarding the new cable-stayed bridge portion of the project. TxDOT officials raised concerns regarding "certain elements" of the bridge structure.

RELATED: TxDOT suspends part of developer's work on new Harbor Bridge

Nearly a week after halting construction, TxDOT said in a press release that they had concerns with the overall design of the new Harbor Bridge. 

Corpus Christi Mayor Paulette Guajardo met with the Nueces County's Congressional Delegation this Wednesday afternoon to discuss the stoppage of the work on part of the bridge.

RELATED: TxDOT says they have concerns regarding 'overall design' of the new Harbor Bridge Project

"Today I met with our delegation and I informed them of the great concerns that I have on behalf of the entire region. What they let me know is that TxDOT will be meeting with FlatIron right away to get some detail and to discuss exactly what's going on," Guajardo said. "We need some answers and we need them now. So they all understand that. They all feel the same way, our delegation, and they'll be providing me with that information here very shortly."

Work on the bridge came to a halt nearly two weeks ago. After TxDOT brought up concerns to the developer Flatiron Degrados over the safety of the projects cable stay portion.

RELATED: TxDOT responds to work stoppage on Harbor Bridge Project

Tuesday, 3NEWS received a statement from TxDOT that reads: 

Per our recent statement, conversations between the Texas Department of Transportation and the developer, Flatiron/Dragados, LLC, continue regarding the safety concerns associated with the cable-stayed bridge design, which is currently under review by an independent third party.  We will continue to keep everyone informed on significant updates.

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