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Sea turtle nesting season to begin on Texas Coast

Biologists and volunteers will be patrolling Texas beaches from April to July, along with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Sea wildlife officials are asking the public to be attentive as sea turtle nesting begins on Texas beaches. 

Nesting season takes place around early April. 

According to a press release from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, beachgoers are encouraged to do their part to protect sea turtles as nesting season approaches. 

“The public can help us protect these imperiled species by keeping an eye out and reporting all nesting sea turtles, their nests, and hatchlings from April through September,” said Mary Kay Skoruppa, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Sea Turtle Coordinator for Texas. “We also ask that visitors drive slowly and carefully on beaches so that vehicles do not inadvertently collide with nesting turtles or emerging hatchlings.  By working together, we can help ensure these species continue to find safe nesting conditions on the Texas coast now and into the future.”

Biologists and volunteers will be patrolling Texas beaches from April to July, along with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, National Park Service, and Wildlife Department. 

If a nesting turtle is seen, visitors are encouraged to call 1-8666-TURTLES (1-866-887-8535).

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