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10th Annual 'Pinwheels Family Fun Day’ spotlights child abuse prevention

The Children's Advocacy Center of the Coastal Bend is hosting the event on Saturday, September 24th from 9 a.m. to noon at Cole park.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — In 2021, the CACCB presented to more than 4,000 children and adults, at the request of communities throughout the 12-county area served. They believe education is a critical step toward providing the essential tools to effectively recognize, report and become everyday advocates in the fight against child abuse (physical, sexual, emotional and neglect). 

Successful prosecution of child abuse cases begin with a thorough investigation. At the core of that investigation, is the ability to ensure the safety and protection of children, often starts with the initial forensic interview conducted by a trained professional. 

Hosted at Cole Park Amphitheater, the Pinwheel event is designed to bring education and awareness to child abuse in the Coastal Bend community. This will be the non-profit's 10th annual event. The CACCB displays one pinwheel for every child forensically interviewed for alleged abuse or neglect. In 2021, the CACCB forensically interviewed 1,558 children.

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