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Christmas tree disposal in the Coastal Bend

What to do with your tree now that the festivities have come to a close.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — As beloved as these holiday staples are, if you had a live Christmas tree it's well on the way to being a festive fire hazard.

Fir and pine trees, which are most commonly used for Christmas trees, are full of flammable oils. That's what makes them smell so good, but it also means that they burn very well.

Fire services warn that a heat source near the tree - such as a space heater or even some lights - is the source of one in five Christmas tree fires.

Nueces County ESD #2 advises that you don't store your tree in your house, garage, or even against your home. So here's what you do:

  • DON'T put a real Christmas tree in your recycling cart.
  • DO set your tree out for your area's brush and bulky item pick-up dates.
  • DO take your tree to the J.C. Elliot Collection Center.

Collection Center hours are Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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