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Fellowship of Oso Creek brings back Easter festivities

After a few years of delays, the Fellowship of Oso Creek was glad to get back out in the sun.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The windy weather we've been having didn't stop people from enjoying Easter events around the area. And after a few years of delays, the Fellowship of Oso Creek wasn't going to let anything stop their Easter Festival!

Organizers say they had to put the event on hold for several years due to COVID and other issues. But they showed that they're back and better than ever.

"We took a 4 year break," explained Elizabeth Harris of the Fellowship of Oso Creek, "but we're so happy that we can be out here, outside, enjoying the beautiful spring weather, and reminding people what Easter is all about."

Kids were able to take part in an Easter Egg Hunt, visit a petting zoo, and enjoy hay rides, face painting, and a mini carnival.

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