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Resources available for Coastal Bend residents seeking savings

As gas prices and inflation across the board continue, CCRTA and the Coastal Bend Food Bank are stepping up to help where and how they can.

Prices at the pump and inflation across the board are impacting residents of the Coastal Bend and their summer budgets.

Organizations like the Coastal Bend Food Bank and Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority are seeing the increase in those seeking some relief. 

"We are seeing an increase in ridership," said Rita Patrick with CCRTA.

Patrick said an all-day pass to ride on one of the buses costs less than two dollars.

"You can save a lot of money by taking public transportation and we encourage people to consider that when they're trying to budget in their household," Patrick said.

She said they have seen more riders traveling within the city and from Port Aransas.

"We're doing our best we can to help move our people in our community," Patrick said.

Helping the community is a motto people at the food bank have also continued to implement.

"There was a long line this morning and people needed food," said Bea Hanson with the food bank.

Hanson said they are seeing more people come in needing an "emergency bag of food."

"People coming to our door and say, 'I don't have any food, I have to buy gas.' And when you see that having to make that kind of a choice is very serious," Hanson said. "But, if you don't get gas you can't go to work and if you don't go to work you don't get paid."

It's a need that Hanson predicts will worsen through the summer as inflation continues.

"I think it's increasing. People are finally, if they had saved enough now it's gone and they're having to use other forms of assistance," Hanson said.

However, she assured that as the need rises, the bank will be ready to meet the demand.

"We're gonna make sure that people get something to eat," Hanson said.

You can sign up for the CCRTA app here, which can help you track bus routes/times and pay for bus passes.

Food banks serviced by the CBFB can be found here.

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