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Dr. Hector P. Garcia Foundation announces annual celebration speaker

The celebration, which takes place on Jan. 21, will focus on Dr. Garcia's lifelong dedication to medicine.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The Dr. Hector P Garcia Memorial Foundation is preparing for it's annual legacy celebration. 

The celebration, which takes place on Jan. 21, will focus on Dr. Garcia's lifelong dedication to medicine. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Osbert Blow, President of Christus Spohn Health Systems. 

Foundation President, Cecilia Akers understands that the event is one way to keep Garcia's memory known to all. 

"It's one of the ways to keep his legacy alive," Akers said. "But it's also for the foundation to promote our causes, which are education and health care."

The event will raise money for the foundations scholarship and tuition assistance programs.   

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