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Rockport History Center unveils exhibit on Vietnamese culture in the Coastal Bend

With an appearance by former NFL lineback Dat Nguyen, the history center was proud to present this exhibit on over forty years of Vietnamese history in the area.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A new cultural exhibit in Rockport explores the history of Vietnamese settlers in the Coastal Bend. The Rockport History Center presents exhibits and artwork about those who came here.

It's a great chance to showcase the Vietnamese communities that are still alive and thriving here in Texas to this day.

Former NFL linebacker and Rockport native Dat Nguyen even spoke at the event.

"It's always nice to come back," he said, "And today with the attendance and the support... It's an ongoing process. We're always going to build and grow, and as we all know, we're stronger together."

The exhibit will continue with a Vietnamese New Year's event in February, as well as other themed presentations through March and April.

You can find more information about exhibits and events on the History Center for Aransas County website.

For the latest updates on coronavirus in the Coastal Bend, click here.

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