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$80M chemical plant investment helps Ingleside continue to thrive

"It’s a great relationship because they know we want to support them," Ingleside City Manager, Brenton Lewis said.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Ingleside is seeing major economic growth. That growth is evident through one of the chemical plants in the city. The Chemours Company is investing 80 million dollars into its facility, calling for more construction and engineering personnel.

City Manager Brenton Lewis said $80 million investments like the one Chemours is making will only bring more industries and families to Ingleside for a better quality of life.

"It is so great to have them here supporting us, supporting our chamber," Lewis said. "They help support other industries coming in."

Ingleside is described as a close-knit community with a “small town" feel, with just under 10,000 residents.

"I have people that have been here all their lives, their families have been here, basically since the start of Ingleside," Lewis said. "You think about the plants, they are all very involved in the city, if we need something, we can ask them for it."

The $80 million investment helps to offset the taxes that the city's residents pay. In fact, it makes up about 90% of the tax base overall for all of Ingleside’s industries. 

"It’s a great relationship because they know we want to support them," Lewis said.

Mark Reyes, Plant Manager of The Chemours Company said, his employees are thrilled to have the opportunity to further the company's commitment to being environmentally responsible to meet customers' needs.

"This $80 million will go to what we call debottleneck," Reyes said. "And debottleneck means provide more capacity in an existing operating unit."

This will require additional construction, and engineering personnel to install the expansion equipment. 

"Opteon YF as we produce it here is a low global warming potential replacement for 134a refrigerant that currently goes into automobile air conditioners," Reyes said.

Over 80 million cars globally have Opteon YF in them and the numbers continue to grow. The Chemours Company estimates by 2025 Opteon products will help reduce carbon dioxide equivalent emissions by over 325 million tons.

"It's part of our DNA, sustainability," Reyes said. "Doing what's right for the planet and our customers and offering solutions that help them achieve their goals is part of what we do, and this is what our employees live and breathe every day," Reyes said.

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