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Benefit held for fallen Kingsville Officer's family

All proceeds from the fish fry will go towards supporting the Benys family during these difficult days.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Dozens of cars filled the parking lot at Sunday's drive thru fish fry for fallen Kingsville Officer Sherman Benys. 

"We planned for about 1,000 and I think we are already halfway there – I’ve probably got a little bit more food, but we are doing everything we can. Hopefully, we have enough -- it's a great community out here," Craig Alexander, owner of Baffin Bay Seafood Co. said.

Alexander, who catered today's benefit, is also a close friend of the Benys family and said Sunday's fish fry was a way to show support after the 19-year law enforcement veteran lost his life in the line of duty earlier this month.

Alexander and other volunteers were selling seafood plates, with fish, shrimp and hushpuppies for $10.

"My dad, he works at the annex in Corpus Christi and it's really horrible what happened to that officer," Ariana Bischer said. "When I found out, it hurt."

Bishcer said she came out with her father, who is also a first responder, to show their support and bring back 10 plates to officers working in Corpus.

All proceeds from the fish fry will go towards supporting the Benys family during these difficult days.

“It makes me feel good. It shows all the people Sherman had touched and everything he did was for the right reasons and the people of Kingsville know that," said Alexander. 

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