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Calallen residents report frequent thefts throughout neighborhood

According to Corpus Christi Police Department Public Information Officer, Michael Pena only one other person filled a report with the authorities.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Several residents in Calallen said a series of burglaries took place in their neighborhood this week. 

One such resident, Daniel Lopez, noticed his truck had been broken into. 

"My truck doesn't lock up so I don't keep things that are valuable, other than my Holy Water and my Rosary,” Lopez said. 

However, Lopez wasn't the only one experiencing these issues. 

According to Corpus Christi Police Department Public Information Officer, Michael Pena only one other person filled a report with the authorities. 

“Several items were stolen including a handgun," Pena said. "I can't stress it enough, if you're a victim of a burglary, or any crime, report it to the police department so we can start investigating it." 

Lopez said he's thankful for the footage he was able to capture, and hopes these criminals think twice about invading other people's property.

"I do pray for people like them, you know, but there's no need for them to come and take from those that have worked an honest living, "Lopez said. 

As of Wednesday night no arrests have been made. However, CCPD encourages residents to file a police report and to call the non-emergency line at 361-886-2600.

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