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City comes to agreement with Buccaneer Commission, reasonable terms set

The deal allows the organization to continue to use city property in and around the American Bank Center.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — City Council members passed an ordinance authorizing a special events agreement with the Buccaneer Commission to run from 2022 through 2026. 

The deal allows the organization to continue to use city property in and around the American Bank Center. It also sets out a city fee schedule for the commission to reimburse the city for it's services. 

City Manager Peter Zanoni, said this agreement provides reasonable terms for the commission.  

"For the past decades the city has done this annually," Zanoni said. "This gives predictability to the Buccaneers Commission, so this sets out a five-year contract with reasonable terms for the Buc Commission to pay the city some of the services we provide." 

Zanoni added that the city already subsidizes a significant portion of Buc Days. He said they payment to the city is only a nominal amount.  

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