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City officials monitor area lake levels due to recent high temperatures

The main water source city officials will use to determine if they need to trigger their Drought Contingency Plan is Lake Corpus Christi in Mathis.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — As temperatures heat up for the summer, lake levels in the Coastal Bend are taking a substantial hit.

One place those levels are going down is at Lake Corpus Christi, an area the City monitors to determine the need for its Drought Contingency Plan.

City officials are looking at the need for potential water restrictions. Mayor Paulette Guajardo and City Manager Peter Zanoni said water conservation is important as they work toward long-term solutions. 

"We all know that we haven't had rain for many months, the city relies on surface water today," Zanoni said. "We are working with City Council on a drought-proof water source, namely seawater desalination. But in the interim, we rely on water that comes from surface."

Guajardo said that until that desalination plant is complete, they will keep their eye on water levels of all of Corpus Christi's water sources.

"We continue those efforts, but until then, we will continue to be, you know, looking at the forecast and making certain that all of the resources in which we do get our water are maintained," Guajardo said. "And we know exactly what's going on with each one of them."

The main water source city officials will use to determine if they need to trigger their drought contingency plan is the Lake Corpus Christi in Mathis. Those levels have decreased to 62.7 percent, according to Water Data for Texas, but still high enough to avoid concern. Zanoni plans to meet with officials next week about potential concerns.

"Do we have to take any drastic measures now, given some long-term projections, and what is our message that we'll be talking to the community about on conservation," Zanoni said.

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