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Coastal Bend bakery shop shows love, solidarity to Ukraine one macaroon at a time

Michelle Fredrick, Owner of Ben Merite said 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the Ukraine to help the Country get back on it's feet.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Local businesses have began expressing their support for the situation in Ukraine by doing their part to show that they stand in solidarity with the Country. 

One local bakery chose a sweet treat to show that they care. Owner of Ben Merite, Michelle Fredrick said she decided to sell Ukraine themed macaroons at her bakery. 

"The profits from these macaroons will also be going to those efforts," Fredrick said. 

She adds that 100% of the proceeds will be donated, and she will continue to sell them as the Country will need help to recover for quite some time following recent attacks. 

"Everyone is doing what they can over there from what I understand," Fredrick said. "And I just wanted to do our part to support." 

Another business in the Coastal Bend announced Tuesday that in an effort to show solidarity for the people of Ukraine, Pier 99 restaurant located on North Beach has chosen to remove all Russian vodka from it's spirit section. 

RELATED: Corpus Christi restaurant removes Russian vodka from spirit selection

In a social media post, Pier 99 said "our thoughts and prayers are with the people of the Ukraine and we pray for a quick resolution and an end to the assault on their Country." 

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