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City of Corpus Christi enters Stage 1 water restrictions as drought conditions continue

As part of Stage 1 drought conditions, Corpus Christi residents will only be allowed to water their grass once a week on their designated trash collection day.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Stage 1 water restrictions were declared Tuesday for the City of Corpus Christi as drought conditions persist with little rain in the forecast.

Although combined lake levels typically need to reach 40% capacity before triggering the City's drought contingency plan, City Manager Peter Zanoni told 3News that he wants residents to get a head start at practicing good water conservation habits.

Zanoni said the combined lake levels were sitting at 42% Monday, down from 43.7% just a week before. These percentages are based off the water levels at Lake Corpus Christi and Choke Canyon.

"Our region is in an extreme drought, and the drought is worsening," Zanoni said. "It's deepening."

Stage 1 of the City's Drought Contingency Plan includes the following restrictions:

  • Residents can use their irrigation system only once a week on their trash collection day before 10 a.m. and after 6 p.m.
  • City crews will prioritize response to repairs and leaks.
  • The City will monitor Stage 1 compliance.

During Stage 1, commercial car washes and landscape nurseries are not impacted. Residents are encouraged to follow these water-conscious conservation measures:

  • Avoid water run-off on streets and sidewalks.
  • Check for water leaks around your home.
  • Wash full loads in your laundry and dishwasher.

"It's mostly irrigation, home irrigation, commercial, real estate irrigation," Zanoni said. "That drops from any day of the week to one day a week."

Meanwhile, the City of Alice in nearby Jim Wells County also relies on Lake Corpus Christi. They called for Stage 1 water restrictions last week after the lake level dropped below 88 feet.

"This is a month earlier than last year we are getting to stage one, so it’s happening more and more, " Alice City Manager Michael Esparza said.

Esparza added that it can be nerve-wracking because they solely rely on Lake Corpus Christi, and they don’t have control of what water is released and what isn’t.

"We have to pump the water 22 miles uphill from Lake Corpus Christi to us, and it’s a challenge," Esparza said.

He said they are actively looking into a secondary water source and are concerned about the drought.

"We are in mid-stage of that," Esparza said. "We want to provide water to our residents."

In Corpus Christi, Zanoni asks that everyone to do their part to monitor their consumption and conservation as we navigate this year’s drought.

To learn more about water conservation and find other helpful resources, visit www.cctexas.com/conserve.

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