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Corpus Christi educator, TAMU-CC alumnus to explore ocean depths aboard Nautilus Exploration Vessel

Jordana Cutajar will sail as a Seafloor Mapping Intern learning mapping system technologies to reveal never before seen mountains and ridges under the ocean.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Two Corpus Christi residents have joined an expedition team in a new initiative to map the ocean floor in the Central Pacific.

Flour Bluff Independent School educator Katie Doyle and Jordana Cutajar, a recent MSc graduate of Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, have been selected to sail aboard Ocean Exploration Trustʻs (OET) Exploration Vessel (E/V) Nautilus, according to a news release from Ocean Exploration.

Both residents were chosen from a competitive pool of applicants for positions in OET's educational programs. Doyle and Cutajar will join the research vessel E/V Nautilus in mid-July in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi for a 24-day expedition. 

Doyle will be responsible for helping communicate discoveries of the mission to global audiences as the science communications fellow. Cutajar will sail as a seafloor mapping intern, learning mapping systems to reveal new land structures under the ocean, according to the release.

"The greatest part of going aboard the Nautilus was bringing the excitement of exploration and wonder of the deep sea to the students of the Coastal Bend. The Corps of Exploration has been a powerful supporter and inspiration for STEM education in Corpus Christi. I am very excited to share the latest discoveries with my classroom and students across the world”, said Doyle.

"There is so much we can learn from seafloor mapping but many areas around the globe have yet to be mapped! I feel very privileged to be part of this expedition and am excited to see what we discover while mapping at PMNM. Even more thrilling is the opportunity to share this information with anyone who has an interest or passion for science!", said Cutajar.

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