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Corpus Christi NAACP holds student poster contest to educate the community

There were some cash prizes as well as awards handed out for first, second and third place winners.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The Corpus Christi Chapter of the NAACP brought its Juneteenth celebrations to a close with their annual Juneteenth Student Poster Contest.

It gives children, students and the community the chance to learn about the meaning of Juneteenth, through the arts.

There were some cash prizes as well as awards handed out for first, second and third place winners. 

Organizers told 3NEWS they were proud to cap off their festivities with a night full of fun.

"Minus the two years of COVID, it was over 18 years when we did it. So we brought it back this year," said NAACP board member Sylvia Oliver. "The kids still need to know the history of Juneteenth regardless of their race, creed, or color."

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