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Dispute over parking spot sparks conversation about anger management

Professional Counselor Jodi Ochoa said that sometimes unchecked rage can have unintentional outcomes that can result in a life time of consequences.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — After police identified 60-year-old Rossie Dennis on Monday for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon at a grocery store parking lot, the topic of anger management became a topic among mental health professionals. 

From the pandemic to the holiday season, there are a number of factors that can end up triggering a person to reach their breaking point. Professional Counselor Jodi Ochoa said that sometimes unchecked rage can have unintentional outcomes.

"Unfortunately in this situation, someone really could have gotten hurt," Ochoa said. 

Specializing in anger management, Ochoa hosts classes on how individuals can keep their temper under control. Stress and anxiety have shown to be at the top of the list of emotions that cause someone to lose their cool. 

"People carry this around with them throughout the day and sometimes it takes that last little bit of something that sets them off," said Ochoa.

Ochoa said all it takes is one unhealthy knee jerk response that can result in a lifetime worth of consequences.

"Based upon the people I've worked with in my anger management group, it can very anywhere from learned behavior as a child and they continue this on into adulthood, or something that does build up over time and the person gets overwhelmed and doesn't know how to deal with the emotions coming up," Ochoa said.

According to Ochoa, if someone knows they have an anger issue, have a support system in place like a friend or family member you can talk to.

Also, think ahead of situations that you know may be stressful for you. 

"If you know you are walking into a situation that is stressful or even traffic, for example. If you are leaving home, have some tools ahead of time that you practice or plan to use, 

something as simple as deep breathing or counting just something to help you keep your cool in this situation," said Ochoa.

If that doesn't work consider therapy or attending an anger management group.

 "Think before you speak or act.  It's an old saying but it does have merit," said Ochoa.

For more information on Ochoa's anger management group, you can go to www.elevatepllc.com 

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