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Firefighters call for burn bans while working to protect homes from fast spreading grass fire in Robstown

Area firefighters are being put to the test as low humidity and super dry conditions are helping to fuel multiple fires that seem to be breaking out daily.

NUECES COUNTY, Texas — The Annaville Fire Department raced to try and save one of the many homes threatened by a huge grass fire that broke out Friday in the Lost Creek subdivision south of Robstown, Texas, in Nueces County.

The fire broke out around the noon hour and 3News was there as firefighters worked to protect nearby structures.

A number of firefighters told 3News that they didn’t understand why there wasn't a burn ban in place.

Nueces County ESD #3 Chief John Davis said burn bans are essential to help regulate the use of potential fire generating appliances.

”We need a burn ban, simple as that," Davis said as he and his crews battled the grass fire. "That’s all I've got to say. Let me get back to work.” 

Robstown Fire Chief Javier Zapata told 3News he and his firefighters, along with the rest of the area departments, are being put to the test as low humidity and super dry conditions are helping to fuel multiple fires that seem to be breaking out daily.

”Yes, we’ve been having fires all over the place. Not just us but the whole surrounding areas," Zapata said. "We’re having brush fires right now, and right now we’re lucky to have a couple of units out here from different locations. Also we’ve got a good mutual aid agreement.”

According to officials, no homes were lost to the fire on Friday, and more importantly, no one died.

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