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Enjoy free screening of Corpus Christi episode of 'Made Right Here Road Trip' series

"Made Right Here Road Trip" explores Hispanic culture and highlights authentic Mexican food across iconic cities in Texas.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — You are invited to a free screening of a show all about Corpus Christi, tacos, and Hispanic heritage. 

The second episode of Laredo Taco Company's "Made Right Here Road Trip" series is all about the taco scene in Corpus Christi. 

Hosted by Mando Rayo from United Tacos of America, "Made Right Here Road Trip" explores Hispanic culture and highlights authentic Mexican food across iconic cities in Texas.

The screening will be in the Loteria Mural parking lot at 617 N. Chaparral Tuesday night from 7 p.m. until 9 p.m.

It is free and open to the public. 

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