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Local Facebook page warns beachgoers not to feed friendly pelican in Port Aransas

The bird, wearing band number YTO around its ankle, has learned to walk up to people and beg for fish. It is not afraid to approach anyone who is nearby.
Credit: Port Aransas Beach Life

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — An announcement was made about a friendly pelican that you may run into on your next trip to the island.

Port Aransas Beach Life, a Facebook page that offers local beach information for residents and tourists, recently warned followers about a pelican wearing band number YTO around its ankle.

Unlike the dolphin 3NEWS reported on recently, this pelican is not causing any harm to beachgoers. The bird has learned to walk up to people to beg for fish, and it is not afraid of approaching anyone who is nearby.

Port Aransas Beach Life said the pelican will probably end up hurt soon, because once they lose their fear of humans, they will also go after someone's fish being reeled in. This could lead to the birds swallowing fishing hooks, which can have devastating results.

Port Aransas Beach Life reminded everyone not to feed the pelicans in order to avoid situations like this. Please always follow beach protocols and keep our local animals safe.

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