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Gov. Greg Abbott speaks at Sinton steel plant ribbon cutting ceremony

The new facility is set to create over 590 new jobs, and generate over $1.9 billion in capital investment.

SINTON, Texas — Texas Governor Greg Abbott was in South Texas to attend a ribbon cutting ceremony at the Steel Dynamics manufacturing facility in Sinton.

The new facility is set to create over 590 new jobs, and generate over $1.9 billion in capital investment.

"With the Texas economy booming more than ever before, the need for steel is growing in the lone star state," Abbott said. 

San Patricio County Judge David Krebs was also in attendance, and said that the facility will bring economic prosperity to Sinton. 

"It has put the city of Sinton on the state map," Krebs said. "The U.S. map and the worldwide map."

President of the Regional Economic Development Corporation Iain Vasey said that the preparation for the facility took extensive time and effort, but yielded profitable results. 

"Its been probably a four plus year process working behind the scenes with so many partners to put the financing piece together," Vasey said. "Identifying the site and working through all of the parts and components of the project to get us to where we are today."

The new facility is set to create hundreds of jobs, with facility Electrical Maintenance Supervisor Christopher Eiteljorge eager to see the potential it can bring to the economy. 

"Going really well got all but one of our production units fully operational, now its great to see the progress over the past couple of years, and everything growing as big as it has been," Eiteljorge said.

The 1.2 million square foot facility is packed with state of the art technology that is capable of turning scrap metal into rolled steel. Steel Dynamics General Manager Dennis Black said that the facility is also making strides in a new industry. 

"I know a lot of people think this is a oil and gas country and we don't do steel. Today I think we've proved it's steel country now," Black said. 

While the ceremony was a huge success it also cemented just how much of an investment the facility will prove to be for Sinton and the entire Coastal Bend. 

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