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Have you watered your foundation? Home expert says once a week may not be enough

When dealing with foundations, making sure that the soil receives adequate hydration is crucial to maintaining its structural integrity.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — With summer weather reaching triple-digit temperatures, making sure that your home's foundation is properly watered can help avoid costly repairs. 

Last week, 3News reported that the City of Corpus Christi entered mandatory Stage 1 Drought Restrictions. Part of those restrictions mandate that homeowners only water their foundations for one day out of the week with a hand-held hose or drip irrigation. 

RELATED: City of Corpus Christi enters Stage 1 water restrictions as drought conditions continue

Victor Licon, owner of Corpus Christi Foundation Repair, said that foundations require consistent watering, especially in summer months. 

"Summertime, if you can do at least twice a week that is great. Three times is better. Again, soaking the foundation is not a cure. We just live in an area where the soil reacts to climate change," Licon said. 

With drought conditions limiting the amount of water homeowners can use, Licon said that residents can still maintain their foundations if they have the proper tools. 

"Anything you can do to it can help. Even if you use a soaker hose with timers, inexpensive timers, those will help. Even if it's once a week," Licon said.

When dealing with foundations, making sure that the soil receives adequate hydration is crucial to maintaining its structural integrity. 

"You want that soil to stay hydrated a couple of feet below the surface line. If you can do that, it would be a great help, but I don't think it will be sufficient enough," Licon said. 

However, Licon reminds homeowners that watering your foundation is not a guaranteed solution. 

"You will still get that movement over time. We are in a really heavy drought situation right now, so that will have a major impact over the course of months," Licon said. 

For more information regarding City drought restrictions, click here.

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