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Live on the Island? JFK Bridge lane closures expected to cause traffic issues soon

The JFK Bridge will soon be reduced from four lanes to two lanes for an entire year.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A major traffic change is coming for anyone who lives on or likes to visit the Island. 

The JFK Bridge will soon be reduced from four lanes to two lanes for an entire year.

The bridge project is for maintenance and preservation. The bridge was built in the 1970s and the Texas Department of Transportation wants to be sure they can extend the life of the bridge. 

Rickey Dailey, with TxDOT, joined First Edition to explain the upcoming change. 

"The overall lane closures are going to begin the first week of December, so that's coming up very quickly," Dailey said. 

The project is expected to be complete around Memorial Day of 2023.

Watch the video above for more information on the closure. 

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