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Kingsville ISD ends school year ahead of schedule

The district said that their "first priority is student & staff safety," and that they wanted to inform parents of the recent change.
Credit: KIII TV

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Due to the mass shooting that took place in Uvalde, Texas on Tuesday, many school districts are taking advanced precautions. 

In a statement by Cissy Reynolds-Perez, Superintendent for Kingsville Independent School District, the last day of classes for the district will be this Friday. 

"All Elementary and High School awards assemblies, banquets and Kinder graduations will be completed by end of today and this evening," said the statement. "Gillett is planning for a virtual awards ceremony for next week. They will send a robocall and post information about their virtual awards ceremony."

The district said that their "first priority is student & staff safety," and that they wanted to inform parents of the recent change. 

"I understand that this change may be inconvenient for some, however in light of the tragedy in Uvalde, our priority is to do everything possible to reduce trauma and safety risks to our students, staff and parents," said the statement. "I’m hopeful this three day weekend will give everyone a little extra time to plan for this change to our school year."

If parents want more information regarding the change, they are encouraged to contact their respective school principal.

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