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New app offered by Nueces County Sheriff's Office aims to help mental health

The app is called "Nueces County Sheriff's Office" and can be downloaded for free.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The Nueces County Sheriff's Office created an app with eight pages worth of resources for the community. 

This in light of the need for more mental health awareness.

The app launched Tuesday, and is filled with links, numbers, and pages to local organizations that offer resources on mental, social, and suicide hotlines. 

"If you break a leg, you go to the hospital, you go to the ER. But what happens when you're in mental crisis?" said Nueces County Sheriff JC Hooper. 

The app is called Nueces County Sheriff's Office, and can be downloaded on resident's phones. 

The idea came from Daniel Perez, who worked for the Sheriff's Office for over 30 years. He said the need for easy access resources is higher now than before. 

"When I started, there was maybe one or two people in jail for murder and now we have several. 50, 60 people in jail for capital murder, very violent offenses," Perez said. 

Hooper said that with new information on mental health resources and food assistance, residents can get the answers they're looking for. 

"Every morning when I drive to work, coming up to Staples and Leopard, right across from the city hall to the jail, you'll see homeless people who are obviously suffering from mental health issues," Hooper said. "And you can figure that out by the way they're talking to themselves or acting out violently."

The app is currently up and running and can be downloaded for free. 

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