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New Harbor Bridge expected to be completed by summer of 2024

Once complete, it will be the tallest structure in south Texas, and the longest cable stay bridge in the United States.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Work continues on Corpus Christi’s new Harbor Bridge and today, City Council members heard from TX-DOT and project developer, Flatiron-Dragados, on when it is expected to be open.

The update included news that the new bridge will include 10-foot wide shoulders, something the current Harbor Bridge doesn’t have.

There will also be10-feet of shared space for those who want to walk or bike across the bridge.

According to Flatiron-Dragados spokesperson Lynn Allison, one of the biggest projects crews are working on right now is getting the pylons in place on either side of the ship channel.

“We have crews working around the clock," Allison said. "Some of those concrete pours are so massive that they take up to 30 hours, and they have to be continuous. So, really significant progress on what will truly be the beacon of this project.”

The new bridge is expected to be open to traffic in the summer of 2024 and demolition will begin on the current bridge immediately after.

Until then, yearly inspections and ongoing maintenance will continue.

The new bridge is expected to last 170 years.

Once complete, it will be the tallest structure in south Texas, and the longest cable stay bridge in the United States.

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