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Nueces County Judge says issues to be resolved over Padre Balli Park

Nueces County Judge Barbara Canales says she believes that over the next week any remaining issues over Padre Balli Park will be solved.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Several Nueces County Commissioners have raised questions about a developer doing work on Padre Balli Park.

They believed the County had not received a customary $400,000 for that planned mitigation work. Now, County Judge Barbara Canales said she and the court have worked out a resolution that will end that discussion. 

"It basically will state that there has been no work done and this document that was filed has no effect, and it did not alter the deed restriction at all, and that we are the owner of this particular property," Canales said.

Canales also said Padre Balli Park was created through a land gift by the Jones family back in the 40s and there were several restrictions placed on its use. One of those was no long-term camping, but that's exactly what's currently allowed.

"I understand that part, that the family was upset about the people camping longer than they should have," Commissioner Robert Hernandez said. "Maybe this is one of the things the attorney will bring us that the family will let people camp a little bit longer or go back to the way it was."

Canales believes the camping issue will also be quickly resolved. 

"We made the decision to allow our outside counsel to continue that negotiation with regards to the camping and to let that come back very quickly," Canales said.

Commissioners, along with Canales, are looking to come to a resolution on all the Padre Balli issues over the next week. Canales said the County will continue to involve the Jones family in the future improvements and changes to the park.

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