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Port Aransas fishing captain dies in boating accident

Captain Gary Cooper was the victim of a boating accident early Saturday morning when another boat collided with his own.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Saturday was a devastating day in the fishing community after the loss of local fishing boat captain, Gary Cooper.

Cooper was the victim of a boating accident early that day when another boat collided with his own, knocking him into the water.

James Joseph and his son were leaving the Port A Marina about 200 yards behind the Captain when the unthinkable happened.

"Capt. Cooper was navigating down the Corpus Christi channel, and was hit broadside by another boat, the boat elevated over the top of the side and ripped the top off the boat, leaning it to the side," Joseph shared. 

Joseph called 911 while he and his son hurried toward the area to provide assistance. "We navigated toward Cooper, pulled him into our boat and began CPR immediately," he added.

Cooper was then taken to the marina where he was met with emergency crews. Despite the efforts of many who tried to help, the fishing boat captain died at the scene.

Cooper was well known around the area and many are feeling the loss. Joseph described him as "a true mentor and a phenomenal human being to everyone he met."

The accident is still under investigation by the U.S Coast Guard. Stay with 3NEWS for updates as more information becomes available.

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