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Post about toddler found wandering Kingsville apartment complex with no parents was hoax, police say

The post was shared hundreds of times and had several people worried.

KINGSVILLE, Texas — You never know what you will come across in "Trash to Treasure" groups on social media. A post in a Kingsville Facebook group, which police said was a hoax, had several people in the community worried this morning.

The post claimed a toddler was found wandering around a Kingsville apartment complex and no parents could be found. The post asked people to help find the parents of the child. A photo of a toddler was used and it looked like the toddler had been crying. 

The post was shared more than 500 times before being taken down and Kingsville police said it was a scam, no child was found wandering a Kingsville apartment complex, and to be cautious about believing what you read online. 

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