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Refugio County Sheriff receives medical treatment after accidently discharging his firearm

Refugio County Sheriff Raul "Pinky" Gonzalez is set to be released Thursday after doctors were able to successfully remove the bullet.
Credit: KIII TV

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Refugio County Sheriff Raul "Pinky" Gonzalez was rushed to Christus Spohn Shoreline Hospital when he accidently discharged his firearm.

Gonzalez was grazed on his right back side, the bullet then entered his left calf, and lodged in his left ankle, according to a post from the Refugio County Sheriff's Office.

Earlier today 07/06/22, Sheriff Gonzales had an accidental discharge with his duty pistol. Sheriff Gonzales was grazed...

Posted by Refugio County Sheriff's Office on Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Doctors successfully removed the bullet from his ankle and he is set to be released Thursday.

While the situation is considered to be an accident, Texas Rangers were called to conduct an independent investigation, according to the post.

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