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Sen. Ted Cruz says he always supported passage of PACT Act

Before that final vote last week, Cruz argued that democrats had tried to slip in a last minute budget gimmick in order to weaponize the bill in their favor.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Senator Ted Cruz was one of the hold outs on the landmark burn pits legislation that passed last week that is now headed to the president's desk. 

Before that final vote last week, Cruz argued that democrats had tried to slip in a last minute budget gimmick in order to weaponize the bill in their favor.

Groups have since argued the validity of that statement. He argues that he has supported the bill, as written, the whole way through. 

"So I strongly support the burn pit legislation, I think it was important legislation that provides needed care to our veterans who have stepped forward to defend our nation," Cruz said. "If you look at burn pits that were used in active combat theaters like Iraq or Afghanistan, we're seeing a great number of veterans coming back with serious health problems as a consequence of toxins being burnt in these open burn pits." 

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