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Shrimporee is back in Aransas Pass for its 74th year of festivities

Shrimporee is the largest shrimp festival in Texas. Those who attend can expect to find great food, fun, and live music.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The 74th annual Shrimporee kicked off in Aransas Pass, Friday evening, and the fun will continue through the weekend.

For those who are unfamiliar, Shrimporee is the largest shrimp festival in Texas. Those who attend can expect to find great food, fun, and live music.

The annual parade took place early Saturday afternoon, but if you missed it, there is still plenty more to enjoy at the festival.

Event Participant Manny Garcia caught up with 3NEWS there. "At the end of the day, its a family thing. So, this is just bringing us together to have fun and enjoy the day. Come out to the Shrimporee to support the small town! Its a great weekend," Garcia said.

The festival will be in full swing until midnight, Saturday night, and it will open its doors back up again Sunday afternoon at noon.

If you are interested in joining the fun, tickets can be purchased on their website here. Other important content can also be found there, including festival maps and parking information.

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