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Tuloso-Midway ISD welcomes more than 60 new teachers

The school district holds classes year round, with the next session beginning Tuesday, July 19.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The Tuloso-Midway Independent School District is welcoming 63 new teachers to its classrooms.

"You know, there's a Tuloso-Midway curriculum way that we want to have happen in every classroom," said Steve VanMatre, Superintendent for Tuloso-Midway ISD. "That was indoctrinating them to what we called the, 'Tuloso-Midway way,' which is a very good way."

Adriana Castillo is one of the teachers who is new to the district and is now learning the 'Tuloso-Midway way.' Castillo said she spent four years teaching in the Riviera Independent School District. This year, she's going to be teaching Pre-K early childhood special education. 

"They helped us today to learn how to deconstruct the TEKS. To be able to efficiently plan our lessons to what our students need to learn," Castillo said. 

The teachers only have a short period of time to understand the Tuloso-Midway style of doing things. The school district holds classes year round, with the next session beginning Tuesday, July 19.

"I am excited and nervous because I was teaching Pre-K before, so it's a big change, but everyone's been so nice and helpful and I'm just looking forward to a great school year," said Lisa Colunga, a new first grade teacher at Tuloso-Midway ISD.

Colunga told 3NEWS that she spent the last three years at home with her children after working as a teacher for 10 years. She, like the rest of the newly hired teachers, are anxious and ready to get back to the work they love to do.

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