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London ISD students hospitalized after ATV accident on Friday

DPS officials tell 3NEWS on Monday that none of the four people involved were wearing seatbelts.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — An ATV accident occurred over the weekend sent three London ISD students to the hospital.

Department of Public Safety officials told 3NEWS on Monday that the accident happened at 7:46 p.m. on Friday involving four people riding two ATVs on County Road 12.

It is unclear whether the vehicles crashed into each other. 

Two of the riders had major injuries and were taken into surgery at CHRISTUS Spohn Hospital Shoreline. Two others had non-life-threatening injuries.

None of the riders reportedly were wearing protective gear, according to DPS, and the two in hospital were not wearing seatbelts.

In a social media post Sunday, Nueces County Commissioner Pct. 5 Brent Chesney alerted people to two prayer vigils taking place that night. 

"These young people were in a serious ATV accident," he wrote. "Please pray for them."

The first vigil started at 7:30pm outside the Driscoll Children's Hospital on Alameda and the second will follow at 8pm at Christus Spohn Hospital on Shoreline.

Participants were encouraged to take their phones, candles or a flashlight for the prayer.

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