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West Oso ISD superintendent set to resign

Conrado Garcia called his time there and the school's progress, "rewarding and a source of personal pride to reflect on."

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — West Oso ISD Superintendent Conrado Garcia is resigning from his position, effective Monday, June 23, 2022, citing his reasons as both personal and professional.

In his resignation letter to the board obtained by 3NEWS, Garcia expressed gratitude towards those who surrounded him during his six years as superintendent. He called his time there and the school's progress, "rewarding and a source of personal pride to reflect on." 

Referring to establishing an educational goal path and strengthening the district, Garcia said "this was was not easily accomplished in the face of a pandemic, resistance from others, and defending decisions made with my leadership team."

"Despite occasional and respected differences, the collective action and support of board members has been part of the driving force for many of our successful endeavors in the last six years," Garcia added.

As for the future, Garcia is ready to settle down after 46 years spent in education. He looks forward to devoting his time to his wife, children, and grandchildren, which he considers to be the most important part of his decision.

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