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What would you do? Video footage from southside carwash shows man recording woman without her knowledge

The incident took place in broad daylight with other cars nearby, and serves as a reminder to always be aware of your surroundings.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A simple carwash turned into something unexpected when surveillance video from a south side carwash shows a man using his cell phone to record a woman vacuuming her car without her noticing.

The woman had her back turned while climbing into the back seat of her car and was being filmed for more than eight minutes by the stranger until she noticed him.

"Are you videoing me? Get the heck out of here," said carwash patron Taera McWha.

She then proceeded to notify the staff of the car wash, and the man sped off quickly. Alexander Lugo, Assistant Manager of Go Car Wash said that customer safety is his top priority. 

"I don't condone any of that stuff, I do watch around," Lugo said. "We have plenty of cameras and if I do see something like that, I will act on it." 

McWha said she's thankful for the local business who keep a close eye on their customers and said the part that upsets her the most is not knowing the strangers intentions. 

"He could have stolen my purse, assaulted me, I'm glad my children weren't in the car," McWha said. "I don't know its an eye opening situation for me."

The incident took place in broad daylight with other cars nearby, and serves as a reminder to always be aware of your surroundings.

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