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World record lightning went from Mississippi to Corpus Christi

The longest lightning flash ever recorded by the World Meteorological Organization was right in our backyard.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — The lightning strike that set a world record for the longest distance happened right in our backyard.

The World Meteorological Organization said the 477.2 mile-long strike went from Southern Mississippi to Corpus Christi on April 29, 2020. It is the longest distance single flash ever recorded. 

Normally, lightning flashes last less than a second and don't stretch more than 10 miles.

The lightning strike crossed three states: Texas, Alabama and Mississippi.

A few months later on June 18, a lightning megaflash in Uruguay and Argentina lasted 17 seconds, beating the old record for longest time.  

The strike was cloud-to-cloud so there was no danger to anyone on the ground, officials said. 

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