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Orange Grove sends Taft home in District Title game

Both teams went into this game with the same district record of 11-1, and state ranked one above the other.

ORANGE GROVE, Texas — -Off the top, Taft with the hot cleats on this stolen base by #6 Joshua Suarez.

-Taft putting the first numbers on the board with #1 hitting towards third, then it's the over throw by Orange Grove that gives #14 enough time to bring it home! 1-0, Greyhounds.

-Then Taft again gaining a run from an Orange Grove wild pitch. 2-0 Taft.

-But not so fast. Orange Grove answers right back with #1 and the hit bouncing off the pitchers mound over second bringing #15 Will Klatt home.

-It's the Bulldogs at it again with #11 and the RBI that brought #4 home.

Orange Grove who came up victorious at home and are district champs with a final of 7-6 over Taft.

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