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Construction causes traffic headaches on JFK Causeway

Traffic has been moved to one lane in each direction along the bridge, coming and going to the Island.
Credit: 3News

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Construction on the JFK Causeway is causing traffic problems Friday.

The first phase of the project, which is expected to last until May 2022, began Thursday night after being delayed for several days due to a shortage of traffic barriers.

Traffic has been moved to one lane in each direction along the bridge, coming and going to the Island. The project is part of a nine million dollar project to extend the life of the bridge. 

The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDoT) said the maintenance work will keep them from having to possibly close the bridge entirely for more extensive rehab.  

This is just the beginning of the first phase, with more work expected to take place through Spring of 2023.

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