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New motocross track coming to Beeville

Lee Pattison and his wife are bringing their dream to South Texas, and are taking steps to open a non-profit motocross track in Beeville.

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — A Beeville couple is on the way to opening a non-profit motocross track for the public. Lee Pattison and his wife are bringing their motocross background from California to South Texas.

The pair was certified for the track last month, and announced the news through social media. Now, they're looking ahead to breaking ground and making their dream a reality.

As Lee says, the project is "geared towards kids who can't afford first off a dirt bike or can't afford to travel to go and ride. So we want to offer that to kids to come and learn and ride free for the surrounding areas."

A fundraiser for the track is scheduled to take place June 4th in Beeville. Until then, they are asking the community to support what they're doing on social media.

Although the date isn't finalized yet, they hope to open the track to the public in the fall.

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